Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Korean Melons - crisp, honey sweet, beautiful in color and awfully cute!

I would describe a Korean Melon as a cross between a mild honey dew and a cantaloupe, but crisper, and juicy. They are small, about the size of a papaya and elongated in shape. 

The Korean Melon is rich in vitamin A, C and calcium. It is known for it's effectiveness for skincare, is a natural diuretic, and is good for digestion and constipation. The skin is edible, but sometimes bitter so it is best to peel it and then take the seeds out. 

Slice it like you would a cantaloupe and eat. I like it really cold. It is also delicious with ice cream! They are the brightest, grooviest little melons on the planet and you can make some really nice recipes with them as well.

Korean Melons can be found in Asian Markets and I know that Wegman's carries them. They are becoming more popular so you might see them in your regular grocery produce section too!

Korean Melon Ala Mode
Serves 4

2 Korean Melons, peeled, halved and seeded
8 scoops of vanilla ice cream
4 tablespoons honey
4 tablespoons orange liqueur
Handful of fresh blackberries

Dividing all of the ingredients into fours, fill melon "boats" with ice cream, drizzle with honey and orange liqueur and top with blackberries - YUMMY!!!

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