Sunday, August 25, 2013

Making Cheese - Homemade Ricotta Salata!

Ricotta Salata (salted Ricotta) is just plain delicious. It has the same consistency as Feta, but is mild and fine in taste and texture. It was easier to make than I thought and I wanted to share this with you!
  • 4 cups ricotta
  • 1 cup Kosher salt
  • cheese cloth
  • 2 plastic containers with holes punched in for drainage

Line a colander with cheese cloth. Spoon the ricotta into the cloth. Tie corners and hang to drain for 30 minutes. I squeezed it a little initially to help express more fluid. I drained mine over the sink on my faucet.

Divide the ricotta into 2 equal portions and place in containers with holes for more drainage. Cover the ricotta with about 1/4 inch of the kosher salt.

Place the containers in the refrigerator with a pan underneath to collect the drainage. Keep them in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.

After 4 days, take the cheese out of the containers and wash the salt off the top with damp paper towel carefully. Invert the cheese, put back in the containers, and add 1/4 inch of salt to the top once again.  

The cheese is done when the ricotta is crumbly with the consistency of Feta cheese. Carefully wipe off all of the salt again and pat dry. You can store ricotta salata for up to two months in the refrigerator.

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